A 58 yr old female patient visited me on 18/04/15, with multiple skin lesion/Ulcers, on right leg, at anterior tibial region. She was a Diabetic patient for last 30 years, taking insulin 90 U (Morning-50 and Night-40 units). She is a regular patient of Diabetic hospital, and with these lesions she was advised medicine for 2 and half months (76-80 days) by various doctors from multiple discipline . In this process of treatment, it was diagnosed a case of ‘Vasculitis’, which is an inflammation of blood vessels. It causes changes in the walls of blood vessels, including thickening, weakening, narrowing and scarring. These changes restrict blood flow, resulting in organ and tissue damage. There are many types of vasculitis, and most of them are rare. Vasculitis might affect just one organ, such as your skin, or it may involve several. The condition can be short term (acute) or long lasting (chronic).

On examination I found that she does have cold dorsum of feet with feeble pulse on artaria dorsalis padis. And her popliteal artery pulse was slow, but regular. I started Graphits, 3 hourly for 10 days. On 23/04/15, I found this changes, suppuration has stopped, oozing has stopped and healing process has started. I continued with Graphits, now 6 hourly and added 2 placebo, as patient wanted to have more medicine to get better faster.

On 30/04/15, the patient revisited, and seems very pleased. This time she seems very annoyed with the itching around the ulcers, and complaining, there is tingling sensation in the leg. I continued the same and added Natrum Sulph 3X along with 2 previous placebo. and found this on 24/05/15-

Her tingling sensation seems improved a lot and itching around the ulcers almost gone. I sticked with the same prescription, just reduced the dose of graphits to twice a day.
On 17/06/15 she revisited with this changes-

She was very happy with the improvement and found that her blood sugar level declined to 10-13 mmol/L on fasting, which was never not less than 20-24 mmol/L in the last 8-10 years. And her insulin needed to readjust to 60 units/24 hours. This time I stopped all the medicine and gave placebo only and found this on 20/07/15-

Thanks to ALMIGHTY ALLAH and Homeopathy!
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